My Seq Tools: Primer Design Pipeline v2

" required>

Date stamp (record locator):

Please reload the form for each submission to generate a timestamp
or else your previous data will be overwritten.

Name of Primer Design Project:

Enter the Sample ID eg (Initials_number):

Enter your list of SNV/SNP positions you want primers to be designed for
exactly as formatted below (comma-delimited) to ensure accurate automated processing.

Your_Sample_ID,chromosome_without_"chr":start_pos-end_pos (if SNV start=end), DNA sequence

The sequence is the actual DNA sequence of the sample (not ref). Any SNPs/SNVs/indels are masked with alternate letters
or by using NNN. Primers are NOT designed in any of those regions.

Click for v2 Release notes and examples

Tested using: Chrome, Safari but has issues on Firefox

Each chromosome position (ie SNV/SNP) must be unique

For example of format and working, please paste this example file into the textarea and select hg18.

For further documentation and more info about the outputs, please see internal wiki

Position format (human reference) for automatic annotation:
hg19 hg18 Private-do not annotate

Primer design for MiSeq run with:

Enter primer3 conditions:

Please wait for the page to refresh and display results automatically

The output is not the prettiest but contains important information about the primer design process
The output may be viewed here at a later time

Kindly save the output elsewhere as this server may not be backed up.

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