cli=$HOME"/biblepay-evolution/src/biblepay-cli -testnet" gui=$HOME"/biblepay-evolution/src/qt/biblepay-qt -testnet" Commands (to follow cli or in console in gui): ============================================= Evolution --------- 1. exec cpk (nickname) (true) - register your nickname. If changing, add true to force. Need 1 BBP min to register. 2. exec join (campaign) - join particular campaign eg pog. need to registed cpk first and then join. Need 1 BBP min. 3. exec getcampaigns - check to see if you are registered for campaigns 4. sendgscc - sends the default 7 BBP tithe for pog for example. (deprecated) sendgscc "Prayer Diary Entry" (BBP donation does not contribute points) - these are determined in the biblepay.conf as pog_coinagepercentage=(percent of unspent allocated to pog) pog_foundationdonation=(tithe amount in BBP) healing_coinagepercentage=(1-percent allocated to pog) b. or turned OFF completely in biblepay.conf by the line disablegsctransmission=1 5. exec associate wcg_username wcg_verification_code true - associate with wcg to get rac and cpid 6. exec rac - to check rac and podc transmission info 7. leaderboard (true) - main leaderboard for payments (wallet specific) 8. exec price - very useful for BTC/USD. BBP/BTC and hence current price 9. exec sentgsc report - can calculate how much you donated so far and each individual transaction (to incl. abn infor from 10. setautounlockpassword password - automatically set headless password. If you want to set password using a script, I suggest parsing it from a .password (text) file protected by chmod 400 10. -changequantity=n (this allows you to specify how many change outputs you wish to receive from GSC transmissions, default is 10) Sanctuary --------- 1. mnsync status - checks to see if sancs are synced. This is useful as it also shows snapshots of all the sync states. 2. exec health - checks to see if chainstate is healthy. If sanc, then shows voting status in chain and also if sanc has voted. 3. masternode list full - shows state of the sancs. 4. masternode list-conf - (deprecated under DIP3) 5. masternode status - shows the status of the current masternode 6. (DIP3 upgrade) exec upgradesanc sancname (0=test, 1=live) - upgrade from controlling wallet to DIP3 sancs (needs wallet unlock) Campaigns (sponsorship) - e.g. cameroon-one --------- 1. exec join cameroon-one 2. sponsorchild authorize - authorize the allocation of sponsorship of +one orphan to cpk 3. getchildbalane #childid (from Note #1 when (2) is executed) 4. listchildren (all) - list of children sponsored in this way for own cpk or (all = all cpks) 5. exec dailysponsorshipcap -